Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna

As our trip to Vienna was slowly coming to an end, after a day full of last-minute visits before having our flight early the next morning, we decided to finish this trip in a chill way. A way more relaxing pace than what I along with my friends are usually following on the constant chaseContinue reading “Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna”

St. Charles’s Church (Karlskirche, Vienna)

It’s Saturday so not just a new weekend ahead with who knows what option to relax, but also the day of the week when I open up my folders of memories created while travelling and share one more destination on here. Actually, Romania faces some grumpy weather lately with lots of rain, storms, cold temperaturesContinue reading “St. Charles’s Church (Karlskirche, Vienna)”

Column of Pest (The Plague Column, Vienna, Austria)

This is going to be a rather short travel article than what I got you used with, but honestly, it would be a great loss not to share my experience checking out the Column of Pest from Vienna. So I’m going to write about it, at least for the sake of having this memory stored differently thanContinue reading “Column of Pest (The Plague Column, Vienna, Austria)”

Stadtpark, Vienna

As the year is slowly coming to an end, I relate more and more with those trips taken on a similar period of time. While I didn’t manage to enjoy any trips this year in December, in the same month but in 2022 I had a one week long escape to Vienna, where I createdContinue reading “Stadtpark, Vienna”

The tour of the Christmas Markets from Vienna, Austria

That time of the year came, and even though I failed to write about these places seen last year in December, there is no better moment to do it than now, on such a special day when you get to taste a bit of the Christmas vibe and the feeling of giving and receiving gifts.Continue reading “The tour of the Christmas Markets from Vienna, Austria”

Capuchin Church (Katholische Kapuzinerkirche “Hl. Maria von den Engeln”)

Last year, along with two of my best friends and my sister, we decided to go on a quick city break picking Vienna as our destination thinking that it’s a fairly good choice in December when we could also take advantage of the Christmas Markets you can find quite often in town, and which weContinue reading “Capuchin Church (Katholische Kapuzinerkirche “Hl. Maria von den Engeln”)”

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