Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna

As our trip to Vienna was slowly coming to an end, after a day full of last-minute visits before having our flight early the next morning, we decided to finish this trip in a chill way. A way more relaxing pace than what I along with my friends are usually following on the constant chaseContinue reading “Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna”

The Imperial Crypt of the Capuchin Church

A while ago I wrote a post about Capuchin Church from Vienna expressing my thoughts exploring the religious part of Austria. Either way, still in the same post I mentioned about a crypt which is more or less linked to the church. There was actually a different one we were interested in visiting which is placed underContinue reading “The Imperial Crypt of the Capuchin Church”

Capuchin Church (Katholische Kapuzinerkirche “Hl. Maria von den Engeln”)

Last year, along with two of my best friends and my sister, we decided to go on a quick city break picking Vienna as our destination thinking that it’s a fairly good choice in December when we could also take advantage of the Christmas Markets you can find quite often in town, and which weContinue reading “Capuchin Church (Katholische Kapuzinerkirche “Hl. Maria von den Engeln”)”

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