Parcul de Eoliene Fântânele-Cogealac (Dobrogea Wind Farm)

A park where you can’t really go to see anything spectacular other than a huge wind farm and some arid area, but a place where you can set free some of your memories and thoughts and realize how tiny you are for the world.


Do you know those moments when you are in a car driving away from your hometown just to let yourself get lost on some unknown lands whose tourist attractions make you feel like they have been waiting for you this whole time?
Those times when the music is turned loud in the car and you find yourself staring out the window like nothing else matter but only that moment?
The moments when you are just physically in a place but your mind is far away and you feel like the thoughts have flown away already?
Because if you do, no doubt you will understand today’s post better than the others.
It’s never about the number of places you discovered, their location or for how many years they have been there, but actually how they make you feel and what you will bring home with you once the journey ends and you hit the road down back home.

And the Wind Farm from Dobrogea represents one of those times when you take a break from everything you do and from the rush of reaching the next touristic attraction just to stop in the middle of nowhere and appreciate more of what you have. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but now.


I have no idea how often people meet this kind of wind farms in their countries or if I am the single weirdo here staring at the huge airscrews, but the right place where you can find this kind of things, in my country, is close to the Black Sea. And living on a few hundreds of km away from this part of the country, I have to admit that I am not used to meet such wind turbines during my journeys.


Dobrogea Wind Farm is one of those places where you won’t find any other tourists or too many cars crossing by because it’s just you, a long road which you never know where it will bring you, and the silence and wind created by the airscrews which turns out to be the deep breath of air you’ve crawled for in a hot day of summer located on an arid area with no trees or shadows where you can hide from the burning sunbeams.

But then you suddenly realize that it’s not about you anymore.
Nor about the dehydrated and sunburned skin, or the messy hair which you have no control over, but only about this moment when everything seems like it’s been put on slow motion and where you can set free some memories you’ve carried with you this whole time and wanted to see them flying away from you so you can start fresh some new chapters in your life.
Dobrogea Wind Farm is a place that was created pretty recently (back in 2012) in a village that was born in 2005 and which is the real proof that great things can still happen in the 21st century and we shouldn’t be kept as prisoners in the past of our countries and the locations which are dating for a few hundreds of years or even millions.

That doesn’t mean that we can turn into some greedy bastards which are allowed to destroy or sell the historical monuments and areas of great importance for the money’s sake or to flood entire villages and see people’s houses get lost under the water and make human sacrifice, just how many locations were formed during the communism. Because that’s not right. Not what happened then and not even what happens now.

But if we don’t know how to contribute on making the world a better place, then, at least, let’s appreciate it as it currently is and not make a team with those who are ruining it a little more with every single minute which passes away.


As I previously mentioned the huge airscrews can be met anywhere on the way to the Black Sea. The closer you get to it, the more you’ll meet them.

But the place where they are more often is in the village known as Fântânele from Constanta County which is also famous as having the largest onshore wind farm from Romania and Europe with a capacity of 600 MW for 240 wind turbines, from which only 139 are located in Fântânele, while the rest of 101 wind turbines can be found in Cogealac which is a tiny village situated just 6 km away.


The huge wind turbines are located on 100 m height and measure a diameter of 99 m covering a total surface of 1,100 hectares which brought them the title of the largest wind farm from Europe, surpassing the 539 MW Whitelee Wind Farm from Scotland, United Kingdom and producing 10% of the total green energy in Romania that helps to supply 540,000 homes daily.

The Wind Farm from Dobrogea is located in the villages Fântânele and Cogealac from Constanta County, and they are situated in the north side of the county on just 17 km away west from the shore of the Black Sea.
Constanta is also the county of Romania which occupies the first place in terms of renewable energy projects owning 80% of the nationwide production of wind.

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Published by Gabriela Travels

Passionate about trips to less-known parts of Romania, but also have a great desire to explore some of the other countries out there

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