FITS 2023: Sibiu International Theatre Festival (Part 6)


You might think I am living in the past since I keep bringing to your attention moments from FITS 2023, but while the edition from 2024 is just around the corner, frankly speaking, attending such a large festival will live within your heart forever.

Actually, just one or two weeks ago FITS was rewarded with the civil merit prize from Spain’s majesty, which made the festival gain even more popularity around the globe. That can only make me more proud to keep attending it, even though the number of spectators keeps increasing from one edition to another.

But before we proceed further to seeing the last shows of FITS 2023, make sure to check this post for a little background what FITS means so I avoid recycling my content. If you are already familiar with it, enjoy what’s coming up next!

38. Two Neighbours

We started the last days of the festival by attending a show which I fully related to. As its name suggests, Two Neighbours is about challenges, and weird situations, but also plenty of laughter when you have a one-of-a-kind neighbour that definitely makes your days less boring.

While I got to meet plenty of neighbours for constantly changing the place where I was living and having quite a lot of stories with these, the two made a great show proving that playing with puppets can be still a cool thing for 2024 if done right.

The main case in this show was that of an old grandma who had a punk rocker as a neighbour, which not only was bothering while playing his guitar but also with his toxic lifestyle of throwing garbage to the next door, acting disrespectful and so on.

To the delight of the audience, the two even got to meet each other later on which stirred lots of laughter for that day, the punk rocker being interested in our granny, haha!

Duration: 45 min
Premiere date: 14.02.2019
Original name: Chez Toi Chez Moi

39. Touching the Grass

A show that I was personally looking forward to because it seemed like involving a bit of nature which I will never say no to, was represented by a circus team from Belgium and the Netherlands.

While many of the shows are somehow connected to the circus they also have in common acrobatics and specific acting, but sadly that wasn’t the case for this show which turned out to rather a test of feelings when touching the grass from more perspectives than actual emotion, yet a thing that didn’t reach the expectations of the audience.

There was no problem with the team itself as their acting was top-notch, but the show started with no music in the background which made those interested in the show lose quickly their interest while being constantly distracted by different noises such as screaming kids, disrespectful people or ringing phones.

Now looking back then, I think it wasn’t that bad overall since there were some other shows that felt a lot less professional than this one.

Duration: 45 min
Premiere date: 11.03.2017
Original name: Grasshoppers

40. Love Season

Jumping from agony to ecstasy, that’s exactly how the next show felt, which I managed to attend twice since I enjoyed it so much!

When we saw the straps and big springs hanging from the ceiling of the stage we thought about some acrobatics done at high altitude. But while the show only lasted for 20 minutes, the actors started walking through the crowd playing their characters and joking around with at least 10 minutes before the show started. That quickly resulted in gathering a big crowd in front of the stage with some time before everything started.

The story is as simple as possible showing challenges and ridiculous moments people have to face when starting to date someone new they don’t know much about. But the way the whole story was shared through flawless acting from top to bottom (as you can see the actors’ gestures), took everything to the next level which brings me to the situation of not finding the right words to describe this as it was felt.

The happy thing is that they came with some free postcards to share with their audience and I managed to grab one which is standing on the shelf with goodies gathered from the festivals I attend, that will make me never forget this moment.

Duration: 20 min
Premiere date: 03.11.2016
Original name: Springtime

41. May We Reconstruct What Has Been Lost

Since there was a small gap in our schedule attending the upcoming shows because we already saw the ones that were undergoing, we took the advantage to make it to a quick exhibition held in a shopping center nearby.

This was a temporary exhibition still part of FITS 2023 and yearly there are one or two rooms dedicated to such placements where they also tell a story to those stopping by.

In this case, we are talking about a quick reminder that we are part of the generation that can still do something to save nature before being almost half gone in the next 25 years. While there are many greedy people doing illegal activities and ruining what keeps each of us alive, we can still get involved by reporting those actions, cleaning the pollution and planting new trees.

Duration: 24 hours
Premiere date: 01.07.2023
Original name: May We Reconstruct What Has Been Lost

42. Woman, Miracle, Woman

On a similar note, there was another temporary exhibition held in the 2nd room of the shopping center mentioned before, but where this time the whole attention was held on a single art piece, while having two empty chairs in front of it.

As its name suggests, the art was done with the thought of resembling a woman in different environments and activities that show how many things a woman has to dedicate to at the same time. Yet a good opportunity to sit on one of the chairs next to the man of your life.

But while I like talking about art that in most cases offers freedom to interpret the piece that catches the whole attention, so I think this was the case this time since I wouldn’t guess what the painting is about, if not reading its description. But it was a good time to stick around for a couple of minutes.

Duration: 24 hours
Premiere date: 01.07.2023
Original name: Woman, Miracle, Woman

43. The Last Word of a Pioneer

Once we finished with the exhibitions we went back to one of the regions where the shows were held and found a Romanian crew getting ready for their show. They are known under the name of Young till Death and they also attended some previous editions of FITS but with different themes and shows.

In this case, their dance was more of a representation of the communist period while showing their moves on famous scenes from movies of that time or even music, which felt closer to the heart of our parents rather than the current times.

While I’ve always dreamed of becoming a good dancer since I was a kid who grew up with the Step Up movies, I can only say that I enjoyed every single minute of their dance, and they really did a great show for the festival that was slowly coming to an end.

Duration: 40 min
Premiere date: 27.09.2012
Original name: Ultimul cuvânt de pionier

44. Mo and the Red Ribbon

This year will be the 3rd time I attend FITS but I quickly learned that even if the festival has a specific theme each year, it’s also about emotion and the mood you have at the end of the day, which is unique every day from the total of 10 the festival lasts.

One of the shows that shared an emotion apart was Mo and the Red Ribbon which illustrates a kid who is lost to his parents and begins a challenging mission of finding them while being accompanied by a red ribbon.

From the crouched position crying with a big gift in his hands to the final destination where he’s standing still happy to find his parents, the show gathered lots of curious eyes while being entirely played by a group of French team who didn’t let a minute pass without being full of emotion and tenderness.

Duration: 45 min
Premiere date: 09.07.2021
Original name: Mo et le ruban rouge

45. Drone & Laser Show

And last but not least, we couldn’t say goodbye to the 30th edition of FITS in a different way than how it started, which is through a show of 15 minutes made entirely with drones and lasers.

This became sort of a tradition for a few years now when the same team creates a unique show for each edition of FITS having the honour to both open up and end the editions.

The team behind all of this is EVSKY & KLS LASERS and they are Romanians, which makes things even more interesting since it’s a unique show for our country and it always feels nice to see something new brought by our people. Yet a good opportunity to give up on using fireworks which are the most common tools used for such shows and festivals.

Duration: 15 min
Premiere date: 02.07.2023
Original name: Drone & Laser Show

This post represents the 6th part of FITS 2023 and the events and shows I managed to attend on the last days of the festival. There is one more post coming from this with a specific exhibition that requires an entire article written with this purpose, but until you see what’s everything about, feel free to get through some of the past editions and days of FITS for a richer experience and more background of the overall festival.

FITS 2023 posts:

FITS 2022 posts:


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Published by Gabriela Travels

Passionate about trips to less-known parts of Romania, but also have a great desire to explore some of the other countries out there

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